Pink Paw Print Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban: Peace Poster Contest 2011


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Welcome to the website of Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban. We are pleased to extend our greetings to everyone who is visiting our website and every of your visit is precious to us.

Alpha Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban was sponsored by the Lions Club of Seremban Central. Our Leo Club was formed on 1995. In addition, our club is one of the leo clubs of MD 308 B1. Our Leo Club is located at Jalan Labu Lama, 70200, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. As you know, our club is a group of young women aged from 13 to 17 years with high moral standard and dedicated to reach out the community. Together, we shall make a difference to the world. We Serve.

Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Peace Poster Contest 2011

Date : 16th October 2011
Time : 8.30a.m - 2.00p.m
Venue : Concourse Area, Seremban Parade
Leos Present : Leo Yuen Vandy, Leo Yap Chai Foong, Leo Chai Weng May, Leo Vivian Goh, and Leo Audrey Leow
Omega Leos Present : 5 omega leos
Lions Present : 21 lions
Objective : To encourage younger generation to think and creatively express their thoughts through arts.

Our Leo Club had helped out in the Peace Poster Contest 2011 organized by the Lions Club of Seremban Central. Before the event starts, we helped to put on the partition to separate different categories. Then, we guided the contestant to register in the right place. After that, we guided all the contestant to the respective categories. We gave out goodie bags to each contestant. During the contest, we also gave guidance to those who were having problems. After the contest ended, we collected their art and also helped some contestant to clean up the place. The event continued with the arrival of guest of honour, Dato' N Logendran and followed by the speech given by Lion Mona Chin. The event was launched by releasing 25 pigeons. We had a short refreshment session. While waiting for the results, there were performance held out to entertained the contestant. After the results were announced, we had photography session with lions and the winners. Then, we cleaned the Concourse Area together before we left.

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