Pink Paw Print Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban: Leo 14th Installation 2008


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Welcome to the website of Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban. We are pleased to extend our greetings to everyone who is visiting our website and every of your visit is precious to us.

Alpha Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban was sponsored by the Lions Club of Seremban Central. Our Leo Club was formed on 1995. In addition, our club is one of the leo clubs of MD 308 B1. Our Leo Club is located at Jalan Labu Lama, 70200, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. As you know, our club is a group of young women aged from 13 to 17 years with high moral standard and dedicated to reach out the community. Together, we shall make a difference to the world. We Serve.

Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban

Sunday 10 August 2008

Leo 14th Installation 2008

To install new members and the Board of Directors for 2008/2009.

Board of Directors 2008/2009
President : Leo Wong Mei Ling
Vice President : Leo Chua Siu Ting
Secretary : Leo Chew May Shyan
Asst. Secretary : Leo Wong Mei Hwa
Treasurer : Leo Pok Li Yun
Tamer : Leo Hooi Kah Suit
Bulletin Director : Leo Chloe Lee Shing Yi
Fund Raising Director : Leo Ong Kai Lie
Community Director : Leo Lee Sher Lu
Environmental Director : Leo Clare
Membership Director : Leo Chow Jen Ni

Leo Club of SMKP Installation 2008 - Slideshow

Speech from President 07/08

Dance Performance

Singing Performance

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