Pink Paw Print Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban: February 2012


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Welcome to the website of Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban. We are pleased to extend our greetings to everyone who is visiting our website and every of your visit is precious to us.

Alpha Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban was sponsored by the Lions Club of Seremban Central. Our Leo Club was formed on 1995. In addition, our club is one of the leo clubs of MD 308 B1. Our Leo Club is located at Jalan Labu Lama, 70200, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. As you know, our club is a group of young women aged from 13 to 17 years with high moral standard and dedicated to reach out the community. Together, we shall make a difference to the world. We Serve.

Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Gotong-Royong Perdana 2012

Date : 11th February 2012

Time : 11.00am - 12.30 pm
Venue :  SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : All B.O.D and  5 leo members.
Organizing Chairperson : Leo YAP CHAI FOONG
Objective : To decorate our school Leo Club's notice board

p/s : sorry, no photos were taken on that day due to technical difficulties.

School Assembly Ground Painting

Date : 24th February 2012

Time : 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Venue :  SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : All B.O.D and  10 members.
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chloe Chai
Objective : To beautify the school compound

Friday, 17 February 2012

Leo Orientation 2012

Date : 15th February 2012
Time : 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Venue : 2 Alpha, SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : All B.O.D and members.
Lions Present : 4 Lions
Invited Guest : Lion Foo See Yow
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Yuen Vandy
Objective : To enhance the understanding about leo club.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Workshop 1 : Straw Game Day

Date : 25th January 2012
Time : 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Venue : 2 Alpha (SMK Puteri)
Members Present : LeoVandy Yuen, Leo Yap Chai Foong, Leo Chai Weng May, Leo Joanne Khoo, Leo Wong Jing Moon, Leo Chua Siu Mun, Leo Jenny Teng, and Leo Vivian Goh.
Omega Leos Present : -
Lions Present : -
Objective : To strengthen leaderships of the members in our Club.

We had our club meeting and we decided to plan out a lil fun game for the members.
we used straws as our main item in this workshop game as we divided the members into 10 groups and each group were to select a leader out. Each group was given straws and play dough to build up structure that the committee had built earlier.
Leaders will be given 5 seconds to observe the structure every 15 minutes as we committees will be adding in more straws to confuse up the leaders. The neatest and the most correct structure will get a lil prize from us committees ( a bouquet of lollipops )
Congrats to the winning group!! :)

Rules :
  1.  Leaders are ONLY allowed to instruct members to built the structure.
  2. Leaders are NOT allowed to touch or draw out the structure.
  3. Leaders are NOT allowed to help members. 
P.S : sorry no photos were taken on that day due to some technical difficulties C: