Time : 2.00p.m - 4.00p.m
Venue : English Zone, SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : All board of directors and members
Lions Present : Lion Sashekala, Lion Helen, Lion Simon, Lion Christina and others
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chow Jenni
Objective : To install the new board of directors and members.
Our Leo Club had organised the 16th Installation. This event shows the out-going and in-coming committees. The event started with the arriving of guest and followed by the opening ceremony. then, the organizing chairperson and lions gave speeches. Then, Lion Sashekala presented the awards to our leo club and committees. Later on was the presentation of certificate of appreciation to the out-going committees. Besides, we also had performances from our leo members and committees. Finally, the installation of the new board of directors began. Each new committees were told about their roles and pledged 'I Will'. We had a short photography session after that. Lions were then invited to have refreshment at the corner. The event ended happily.
Board of Directors 2010/2011
President : Leo Joycelyn Ong Shee Hui
Vice President : Leo Tai Joe Yee
Secretary : Leo Tissvini Koran
Asst. Secretary : Leo Yap Chai Foong
Treasurer : Leo Josephine Lee
Tamer : Leo Vivian Goh
Director 1 : Leo Kirthana
Director 2 : Leo Joanne Hoh
Director 3 : Leo Audrey Leow
Director 4 : Leo Seck Zhi Ling
Director 5 : Leo Yuen Vandy