Pink Paw Print Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban: 2010


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Welcome to the website of Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban. We are pleased to extend our greetings to everyone who is visiting our website and every of your visit is precious to us.

Alpha Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban was sponsored by the Lions Club of Seremban Central. Our Leo Club was formed on 1995. In addition, our club is one of the leo clubs of MD 308 B1. Our Leo Club is located at Jalan Labu Lama, 70200, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. As you know, our club is a group of young women aged from 13 to 17 years with high moral standard and dedicated to reach out the community. Together, we shall make a difference to the world. We Serve.

Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Fund Raising and Charity Event 2010

Date : 1st December 2010
Time : 9.00a.m - 2.30p.m
Venue : Royal Bintang Hotel, Seremban
Members Present : Leo Joycelyn Ong, Leo Tai Joe Yee, Leo Tissvivni, Leo Josephine Lee, Leo Yap Chai Foong, Leo Vivian Goh, and Leo Yuen Vandy
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Josephine Lee
Objective : To raise fund for those in need.

Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban has finally succeeded a charity event to aid underprivileged children. Through this project, we donated RM1000 to to homes, Vinashini Home and Perstuan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Rema. Not only that we've raised enough money to support for club funds for the year 2011, formal uniforms and other necessities. In the total we collected an amount of RM7620.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Omega Leo Installation 2010/2011

Date : 28th September 2010
Time : 2.00p.m - 4.00p.m
Venue : Sungai Ujong Club Seremban
Alpha Members Presents : Leo Tai Joe Yee and Leo Josephine Lee
Omega Members Present : 13 omega leos

Our Leo Club had attended Omega Leo of Leonine Seremban Installation. In addition, Omega Leo of Leonine Seremban were made up of ex-members of Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban. The event started with the arrival of lions and followed by reciting the leo pledge. The President of the Lions Club of Seremban Central called this meeting to order. Speeches were given by lions and out-going committees. The event continued with the out-going Board of Directors handed out their bolero and post to the new Board of Directors. The event ended with photography session.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Peace Poster International and Education Fund 2010

Date : 19th September 2010
Time : 9.00a.m - 2.00p.m
Venue : Seremban Country Club Sdn Bhd, Rasah Kemayan
Members Present : Leo Joycelyn Ong, Loe Tai Joe Yee, Leo Tissvini, Leo Josephine Lee, Leo Yap Chai Foong, Leo Joanne, Leo Vivian Goh, Leo Yuen Vandy, and Leo Audrey Leow
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Josephine Lee
Objective : To encourage and instill the love for peace in the world / To raise fund for promises students in their further studies.

On the 19th of September, Lions worldwide organized and event/competition for children as well as a ceremony of their own as so to their desire to carry out a single motto in which is "Vision Peace", encouraging and instilling the love for peace in the world in the very souls of the children today.

It was indeed a full-house event. Children coming from every corner possibly imagined in our district participated in the competition to draw and color the best "peace poster" of the year.

This event may be one of the most commonly practiced event amongst the Lions and Leos.
District Govener, Dato' Yeoh Wah Chin, did the honour of attending and launching our ceremony with the release of many birds later on carrying to the award and prize-giving ceremony.

Organizing Chairperson Josephine Lee Of our very own Leo Club of SMK Puteri, Seremban successfully collected RM3000 to contribute to the Education Fund project that the Lions were working on raising to Fully support it with a motive only to support promising students whom are need of funds to further their studies in whichever field they desire to major in.

The event later on ended after the prizes were presented to the winners of the Peace Poster International Competition and everyone departed satisfied.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Leo 16th Installation 2010

Date : 30th July 2010
Time : 2.00p.m - 4.00p.m
Venue : English Zone, SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : All board of directors and members
Lions Present : Lion Sashekala, Lion Helen, Lion Simon, Lion Christina and others
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chow Jenni
Objective : To install the new board of directors and members.

Our Leo Club had organised the 16th Installation. This event shows the out-going and in-coming committees. The event started with the arriving of guest and followed by the opening ceremony. then, the organizing chairperson and lions gave speeches. Then, Lion Sashekala presented the awards to our leo club and committees. Later on was the presentation of certificate of appreciation to the out-going committees. Besides, we also had performances from our leo members and committees. Finally, the installation of the new board of directors began. Each new committees were told about their roles and pledged 'I Will'. We had a short photography session after that. Lions were then invited to have refreshment at the corner. The event ended happily.

Board of Directors 2010/2011
President : Leo Joycelyn Ong Shee Hui
Vice President : Leo Tai Joe Yee
Secretary : Leo Tissvini Koran
Asst. Secretary : Leo Yap Chai Foong
Treasurer : Leo Josephine Lee
Tamer  : Leo Vivian Goh
Director 1 : Leo Kirthana
Director 2 : Leo Joanne Hoh
Director 3 : Leo Audrey Leow
Director 4 : Leo Seck Zhi Ling
Director 5 : Leo Yuen Vandy

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

37th Multiple District Leo Forum 2010

Date : 11th - 13th June 2010
Venue : Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh, Perak
Members Present : Leo Chloe, Leo Kimberly Tan, Leo Ong Kai Lie, Leo Wong Mei Hwa, Leo Chow Jenni, Leo Choo Xin Yi, Leo Esther Yong, Leo Edwina Tan, Leo Ngo Ju Ann, Leo Yuen Vandy, Leo Josephine Lee, Leo Audrey, Leo Yap Chai Foong, Leo Tai Joe Yee, Leo Jasreen Kaur, Leo Chong Sze Ling, and Leo Yap Leanna.
Objective : To instill leadership qualities in leos.

Day 1
17 members from our Leo Club had attended the 37th MD Leo Forum 2010. We went there together with the members of Leo Club of Bahau in a same bus. When reached there, there where some presentations and the Leo Idol. We checked in and had our dinner later on. At night, we attended a fellowship night in the ballroom with the them of 'Poertez Un Chapeau'. We had fun and enjoyed the dance floor.

Day 2
The Opening Ceremony was held in the morning with the presentation of all Leo Clubs' banner. Then, we had a talk about leadership. At the afternoon, we had awards-giving and we were then dismissed back to our rooms to get ready for Banquet Night with the theme of 'Oscar Night'. During, the Banquet Dinner, they continued the top awards-giving.

Day 3
The incoming key officers attended a small leadership talk in the morning and then followed by the closing ceremony. Before we headed back home, we visited a temple. We reached Seremban in the late afternoon. Through this event, we not only had great time but we also learn to be good leaders as well.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Chinese New Year Decoration

Date : 5th February 2010
Time : 12.30p.m - 2.00p.m
Venue : SMK Puteri, Seremban
Members Present : Leo Chloe Lee, Leo Hooi Kah Suit, Leo Kimberly Tan, Leo Joanne Hoh, Leo Ong Kai Lie, Leo Clare, Leo Chow Jenni, Leo Wong Mei Hwa, Leo Esther Yong, Leo Choo Xin Yi, and Leo Tan Wee Sean.
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chloe Lee
Objective : To create the feeling of celebrating Chinese New Year among students.

Our school Leo Club had decorated the school compound with Chinese New Year decorations. We hung red danglings along the pathway. Our school Chinese Society Club joined us to decorate the school entrance. through this project, we have not only learn to co-operate with each other but also strengthen our bonds with the Chinese Society Club members.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Road Safety Awareness

Date : 30th January 2010
Time : 7.30a.m - 11.00a.m
Venue : Lake Garden, Seremban
Members Present : Leo Kimberlyn Tan, Leo Joanne Hoh, Leo Chow Jenni, Leo Esther Yong, Leo Choo Xin Yi, and 2 members.
Objective : To instill road safety awareness in the minds of people

Our Leo Club had attended a Road Safety Awareness together with Lions and Omega Leos. Ministry of Transport, Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat attended and officiated the program. Hundreds of citizens walked to the field of Majlis Perbandaran Seremban for the campaign. In addition, this campaign is to make the public realise the important to be safe on road. The main focus of this campaign was the OKU people. There were speeches from the OKU about their experience before getting disabled. We were very proud and touched by their passion towards their live after being disabled. Later on, we had refreshment and photography session. then, we had lucky draw session before the campaign ended.